Ngutuawa/Bamford School Projects Page
25th October 2019 changed our club, Club member Anne Harding invited the then Bamford School principal Shona Hewlett (now Ngutuawa) to talk to our club at our Friday morning meeting. As a librarian Anne was focused on the school's virtually empty library but Shona described a school struggling financially but has a great community. Our members were shocked at the differences between the school experience we had to what these students are having.
Valid questions were asked. Why isn't the Ministry of Education helping this school? What has it got to do with us? Can't someone else help?
Instead of "its not our problem" or "its too big" our members grabbed the opportunity to attack the issues. One club member and his family are that committed to this project that they have personally donated $10,000 to the library project.
- Engage with the relevant groups, Ministry of Education, local politician, school principal and board of trustees, local community.
- Kick start our involvement by having a community barbecue December 2019.
- Approved an application to the club trust for funds for library books and equipment.
- Member support for breakfast condiments for pupils returning after Covid-19 lock-down.
- Apply to the Ministry of Social Development for funds for 20 weeks of breakfast and lunches. (unfortunately not successful)
- Engage other Rotary clubs for possible project involvement and fundraising.
- Other top projects include an upgraded playground, landscaping around the new school building and community garden.
Library Project April 2020
Club member Anne had first hand experience with the school library and the condition of the books. Anne worked with the school and the Rotary Club to successfully complete this project. New shelves, Books, Computer, Scanner, Bar-codes, Covers and organising book database.

Christmas Gift Project Dec 2020
Club member and Mackersy Property Director Dale Robertson decided to donate a gift to the children of the school. Principal Shona quickly recommended sports goods. A club contact provided just the right gear for children of different ages. A Team of willing Christmas Elf's from Mackersy Property and Rotary was quickly arranged to inflate the sports ball and wrap them for each child.

Garden Project
Club member Malcolm arranged for the new Garden, with raised beds, two sheds, fencing, irrigation and work table.

Uniform Project
When the idea of arranging new uniforms was first mentioned we paused at the $30,000 price tag, (We see why parents struggle) Club member Roger went to work contacting other businesses and trusts for help. Thanks to that support the project progressed and now the pupils look amazing.